Monday November 1st 2010:
My friend Kole and I do this thing called street ministry. Usually we just go play worship music out on the street to encourage and spread the word of God via music. Sometimes people give money and we give that away to the local homeless shelter, but this particular day God had something else in mind. After our few hours out on the street I had to pee..BAD so we packed up our guitars and headed for the closest gas station. I got out, went to the restroom, got back in the car, and Kole punched me in the arm. Then he shouted "Slug bug no slugs back". (amazing game if you have never played) I demanded to know where the bug was that he saw so he drove to the back of the gas station to show me where it was. As we drove we saw a homeless man sitting on the sidewalk. Kole and I looked at each other and knew that the money we made from that day needed to go to him. So, Kole parked the car, got out, and gave the money to the man and talked to him about God. Kole got back in the car and we sat in amazement at what God had just done then and after a while he screamed."GOD USED YOUR PEE TO GIVE MONEY TO THAT MAN!!!" Yes Abba...You are amazing!
Friday November 5th 2010:
My roommates and I could not afford to buy groceries. Don't at all feel the least bit sorry for us. We are college students and have come to terms that this will sometimes come with said title. However, at the time it was coming to a critical point, since we were running out of food fast. Then...Friday morning my roommates and I woke to the sound of a knock coming from my room. I opened the door to see if our guy friends were pulling a prank on us. (they have a tendency to do that). I looked down and saw three bags of groceries sitting on our front porch with a very sweet and anonymous note attached to it. WOW We still don't know who it was. How amazing is our God?!?!?!?!?!?
Thursday November 11th 2010:
The ministry I am involved with is called The Movement. Basically it is a class that teaches college students how to be legit, and intentional about pouring into God's word and spreading Jesus to the people around us. It's a great way to learn how to build churches. ANYWAYS on our first ministry project we were SUPPOSE to clean up a local Fraternity house. Well, they canceled due to the fact that they had a volleyball game. They cancelled 5min before we were suppose to head over. SO being all together in our work clothes we were bound and determined to go serve SOMEWHERE. After putting our heads together the 7 of us that were gathered decided to go see if "The Courage House" needed any volunteer work done. Going unannounced we tread over. They DID need help, but just not that night. As we were filling out paperwork for future service opportunities I saw 3 kids in the hallway. We began playing a game and the rest of the group decided to join. After 2 hours of playing with kids we had to leave. While we were there we found out that they needed some very tangible things, like a vacuum cleaner and a kitchen table. I had a show the next day and I felt the tug to take a love offering for them to see what we can do to help them. GOD USED A FRAT VOLLEYBALL GAME TO HELP THESE KIDS!!!!...dadgum..
Friday November 12, 2010
Night of the show. We all pray over the seats of the coffee house that can fit about 25 people comfortably. We pray that many will come and that the love offering will be blessed for the sake of those kids. 30 people show up and in all about $115 is raised..from broke college kids might i add..GOD YOU ARE SO GOOD!!!!!
Monday November 15, 2010
Where do I start? Today was a street ministry day. #1 Kole and I got to talk to this one girl who just sat and worshipped. She was super cool and so was her boyfriend. #2 We also got to talk to this one guy who shared how he was homeless for 4 months in Phoenix. #3 upper three people knew each other and invited Kole and I to come to a private worship session that they and some other Goths go to. Though we weren't able to make it it's still cool that they meet to worship Jesus. #4 a family of about 9 people came and danced/worshipped with us. #5 a group of about 20 people stopped and listened while we were playing our most evangelistic and straight forward song #6 these two evangelists walked by and shared there testimonies with us as well as worshipped. EPIC day...Kole and I were quiet for about 20min on the way home because we were just in awe of everything God had done that day.
Thursday November 18, 2010
I had a VERY busy weekend ahead of me. The last check from work was a grand total of $6.45. It was not about to cover my gas money expenses. I really wasn't worried about it. I just knew it would be ok. So I went throughout my day just checking all the to-do's off as I went. as I drove home from my last rehearsal of the day I got out of my car, and in my seat I found $30 and another anonymous note that said "gas money :)"....I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY YOU LOVE US SO MUCH FATHER!!
Sunday November 21, 2010
=] My friends Heather and Stephanie and I went to the last "love is on the move" tour concert...and wow...We thought were just going to have fun and worship, but NOPE God had other usual. I've been to a lot of concerts in my day, and I've always heard about adopting a kid through food for the hungry, BUT I've never been convicted to adopt...until tonight. Long story short the three of us are now the proud mother of a 12-year-old girl named Hawa. She is from Ethiopia, and I am convinced she is the most beautiful little girl on the face of the planet. Best decision of my life. Dang did that adoption.
Monday November 22, 2010
After this amazing spiritual high I can't help but have the thought/fear at the very back of my head about not being able to provide for Hawa. We pray about it and I'm given the peace knowing God will provide. I walk into my room and find a $30 check sitting on my desk. I look up at the ceiling with a smile on my face and whisper "really God?" lol
Thursday November 25, 2010
Thanksgiving with the fam was super fun. Later in the day my grandma gives me my Christmas present (early I know) of $100 dollars. My first thought was "holy crap that's a lot of gas money!". BUT later I was doing my quiet time and was slapped in the face by 1 Timothy 6:17-18 "As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God,who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. 18They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share," When I read that passage I knew 90% of that money if not all was suppose to go toward getting Hawa a goat and chicken for Christmas for her village. haha You are so sneaky Jesus, and I love it!!